Tuesday, May 11, 2010

All these short entries!


Once again, I am short on time this morning. Working hard on these credit lines, trying to earn my money.

Yesterday I checked online to see when soccer signups are, and I found out one of the early days is this Friday. It means Bobby will get signed up after we leave my parents’ house on Friday. Yie!

As if that wasn’t monumental enough, I also went down to the school to get the kindergarten packet to sign him up for school. They also have some kind of a lottery in which Dax may get to do a pre-k program there. Woo hoo! This would mean no more daycare, which means savings of $300 a week. All kinds of good. The pre-k program is chosen by lottery, so who knows if we would even get in. But I am crossing my fingers. Plus, they might pick him just because statistic wise, they need at least one white kid, right?

The suggestion was run by Papa Brenan about having Bobby come with us to Ohio. It would allow him to be shown off to some relatives, plus, it would give me a nice crutch. I also think that he would have fun. He is really good, especially when he doesn’t have the Dax influence. Papa Brenan will be getting back to us on that. It may not be a go, but wouldn’t that be interesting? Plus, I like the idea of Bobby and me time.

Yard sale plans for the 22nd. Attic and garage cleaning will take place over the next two weeks.

I may be trying for a smidge of OT the next couple weeks. With Maryann out for the next two weeks, I could easily warrant an extra 30 minutes each day. I don’t know how happy I will be giving up my extra 30 minutes of free time, but it won’t be that bad, and it gives me a couple of hours of OT a week, which is good.

In my stressing about money yesterday, I did manage to do a lot of laundry until I ran out of detergent. There is more cleaning to do tonight.

Ok, I managed to finish the bulk of what needed to be done with the credit lines. I still have other stuff, but since the program crashed, I can work on it a little at a time over the next few days, which is good. Maryann paid me, too, so this is all good to have the money ready for soccer.

My morning appears to be over, thankfully, which means I can zone out this afternoon. Woo hoo!

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